
Tiny, slender, fingers and toes,
Rosebud lips and perfect nose -
I’m dressing an angel in baby clothes!


Little angel with dimpled cheek,
Resting within your crib, soft and meek -
I just keep stealing one more peek at


Why does my step seem lighter today?
My willing hands so gladly display
Joy with each duty - Love as I say,


Mommie and Daddy, so proud of you!
Grandma and Grandpa are bursting too!
We’re looking at Love, with eyes of blue -


Heavenly Father, so kind and good,
Help us do all that each day we should,
Teaching our little girl things You would -


Often I’ve gazed at the heaven so blue,
Praising You, God, for the things You do;
There’s not enough praise I can give to You for


Joan Clifton Costner
© Wednesday July 5, 2006
All Rights Reserved


Joan's Website


This Poem is used with Joan's
permission. Please respect the
copyright and contact her if you
wish to use it!




Music: Angels Watching Over Me

Performed By Margi Harrell
Used With Permission


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